「けやきライトパレード」の開催に合わせ、夜の街を楽しもう! Night Outしよう!をテーマに、けやき大通り周辺の飲食店100店舗を応援するプロジェクト「けやきスタンプパレード」を実施しています。 現在101店舗が参加…
During the three months of the event, approximately 1,000,000 light bulbs will illuminate around 351 trees along about 2 km of street between JR Wakayama Station and Wakayama Castle, turning the street into sparkling tree-lined street at night.
98 Days
2024.11.23 Sat/Holiday‐2025.2.28 Fri
「けやきライトパレード」の開催に合わせ、夜の街を楽しもう! Night Outしよう!をテーマに、けやき大通り周辺の飲食店100店舗を応援するプロジェクト「けやきスタンプパレード」を実施しています。 現在101店舗が参加…
2024年11⽉23⽇(⼟・祝)からの「KEYAKI LIGHT PARADE by FeStA LuCe」のスタートにあたり、けやき⼤通りの一部を歩⾏者天国にし、当⽇17時30分からオープニングセレモニーと点灯式をけや…
2024/11/23 ~ 2025/2/28
昨年に引き続き、今年も「KEYAKI LIGHT PARADE by FeStA LuCe」が開催されます!JR和歌山駅前から西へと続くけやき大通り沿いの約2kmがイルミネーションで彩られています。けやきライトパレードを…
2024年12月15日(日) 11:00〜16:00
みその商店街 近隣エリア
2024年12月14日(土) 15:00〜22:00
みその商店街 近隣エリア
🌙12/14(土)15:00~22:00 *予定「みそのナイトマルシェ」いつもは暗い商店街が、けやきライトパレードに合わせて一部ライトアップ💡あたたかい食べ物やクリスマス雑貨など素敵なお店…
日本一のイルミネーションストリート『KEYAKI LIGHT PARADE』を楽しみながらランニングしましょう!JR和歌山駅から和歌山城をつなぐ延長2kmにわたる街路樹351本に、約100万球が点り、夜道が光輝くイルミネ…
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並木のイルミネーションは街に賑わいを生み、街の風物詩として愛される存在です。「和歌山 光のけやき大通り」ができれば、歩く人が増え、バスやタクシーで通る人も車窓に心ときめかせ、イルミネーションを見ようと人が集まり、そこで構える店が繁盛したり、空きテナントでポップアップストアがオープンしたり…
The illumination of tree-lined streets brings lively atmosphere to the city, and makes it the most popular and beloved landmark of the city.
If Wakayama could produce "Keyaki Boulevard of Lights", it would increase the number of people walking, make people drive by to see the illumination from their car windows, bringing people together to watch the illuminations, and the shops that open there would thrive, and open try-out shops in vacant tenants, and various possibilities could happen when the lights come on.
'Parade' in the name of the event means a spectacular march held as part of a fun festival or celebration. We would be most delighted if the street is decorated with beautiful illuminations like a spectacular parade, and at the same time make people's hearts cheerful and excited, as well as brighten up the city and also Wakayama Prefecture as a whole.
There are many ways to get involved during the illumination period, such as walking along Keyaki Boulevard, visiting restaurants in the area and participating in related events. Enjoy the winter evenings to the fullest with the illumination. And next year, and in the years to come, we hope you will remember "I want to see that illumination again!" and come to Keyaki Boulevard. We believe that Wakayama will become a brighter and brighter city by bringing your positive thoughts of 'fun' to the streets.
この言葉には「ライトを点灯する」という意味だけでなく「Light you up!=あなたを照らす(輝かす)」、「Light me up!=私自身を照らす(輝かす)」「Light up wakayama!=和歌山を照らす(輝かす)」といった、光のけやき大通りをきっかけに和歌山のみんなで一緒にワクワクする街を作っていこう、という本プロジェクトの想いと、隣にいる大切な人、お客さま、自分たちの街を輝かせたい。という、それぞれがの想いが込められています。
By creating a path of light, the 2km message will also light up the future!
These phrases not only mean 'turn on the lights' but also 'Light you up! means shine you up', and 'Light me up! means shine myself up', and 'Light up wakayama! means shine Wakayama!', which were triggered by the Keyaki Boulevard of Light, This project expresses the desire of this project to create an exciting city together with everyone in Wakayama, and the desire of each of us to make our loved ones and our own cities sparkle.
Five forces of light = Aesthetics, Functionality, Safety, Security and Value.
Not only beautiful appearance, but also security protection and crime prevention by lighting up the area at night. It also makes it easier to create events in terms of infrastructure, which creates value. People will gather where there are lights, and the city will become more lively, which in turn will liven up the city as a whole. When people come together, many new stories are made there.
By setting up a light infrastructure, people can enjoy delicious food as well as talk to each other, and enjoy the beautiful illumination that will create new memories for them.
The first step towards the future.
From impossible to possible and making lively!
[参考] 表参道 フェンディ イルミネーション2024:約90万球、丸の内イルミネーション2024:約82万球、けやき坂イルミネーション:約80万球、御堂筋イルミネーション2024:約86万球、2024 SENDAI光のページェント:約45万球
If you have any questions about KEYAKI LIGHT PARADE by FeStA LuCe, please do not hesitate to contact us.